I'm showing signs of stress!!! HELP
Are you???
Read this article on 8 Dream Symbols that Point to Stress.
Never knew certain dreams meant something.
There was 1 day (like last year), I had a dream where my teeth kept falling one by one and I was holding all the teeth in my hands. Totally freaked me out. My thousand of dollars straigthened teeth and painful trips to the dentist just went down the drain in just 1 dream. WTF!!!
It was only today when I saw this article on Yahoo! where I realised I wasn't the only person having this eerie dream. Seems that the dream on loosing your teeth signifies burdens that crush your pride or feeling powerless. I don't realise any of this stuff that happens to me. But having this dream meant only 1 thing to me that I'm suffering from stress.
Lines picked from the article:
"When I dreamt about my teeth back in high school, I was trying to choose a college—definitely a stressful decision. The dreams resurfaced when college graduation rolled around four years later and I’m sure they’ll start again at the end of grad school."
Okay maybe I had the dream because of the stress in chosing a college. I had no control after I have made my decision before I left for Japan. What can I do with my college application once I'm in Japan? My father will be handling it and I can do nothing more but just enjoy myself in another country!
I hope this dream doesn't come back when a tougher decision has to be made in chosing a course and university!!!
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