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Countdown day 20

Thursday, June 23, 2011 0 comments

YAYYYY! exams are done with and please God forbid any fails or bad results. I'm clearing up all my old papers and emptying my files to bring over to Aus for next semester.

On the exact day my exam ended :
~had dinner celebration for friend's birthday
~club with my dearest awesome group of friends at Zouk
Danced barefoot & at the end, smelling like I swam in a pool of smoke.
ahhh Life's good after exams. now all I have to worry is my stupid slow CoE to do my visa.

End of sem 5

Thursday, June 02, 2011 0 comments

It's end of my 2nd last semester in my degree studies and it's my last study days in Sunway. Next month I'll be flying of to Australia to finish my last semester there and hope to build a new life there.

This month everyone will be having there exams and crazy stress comes kicking in.

I think I've come to a stressful point and ended up ranting on my blog after ages it has been collecting dust.
All I want to say is try your best to study hard and smart, enjoy every moment you have in your studying life, be grateful for all friends and lecturers that you have (even the bitchy once) because in a blink of an eye you will miss it soon or later once we have graduated.

GOOD LUCK TO ALL and TAKE CARE of your health during this period.

hope to be back here soon when its end of June


Saturday, January 01, 2011 1 comments

Its a new year to begin with. Thus, its a restarting point that I should blog once in a while (i hope).
Had a good new year eve dinner and countdown with good friends and our casual drinking session.

To, those who couldn't join us (either you're in overseas or out with someone else)

Seasons Greetings from Kepong!

May this year bring u and ur family lots of joy, luck and happiness =)

End of the sem break

Sunday, September 05, 2010 0 comments

1 week semester break has come to an end. What have I done for this whole week???

A recap:
► Monday - dance practice
► Tuesday - Happy Merdeka day!!! went shopping in 1u
► Wednesday - dance from morning to evening. then went shopping in Sunway Pyramid @@ till 10pm *i didn't buy anything from all the shopping trips. instead of girls buying stuff, guys ended up taking more time to buy things. Guys, don't complain if u have to wait so long for girls to buy shoes or clothes, coz u also take as much time as we do =P
► Thursday - early morning picked up friends in Sunway then Puchong and head to Putrajaya for photoshoot. will post up some pictures once I've done editing them.
► Friday - dance practice again....and VUBC meeting in the evening.
► Saturday - OSKIC tips seminar =D *view next post
► Sunday - lazing at home, playing computer and updating blog.

Photo editing 2

Saturday, August 28, 2010 0 comments

Practicing my photo editing skill using aperture. Photos look so much nicer once enhanced with some technology help =)

Step up 3

Friday, August 27, 2010 0 comments

Yesterday was the start of my so call semester break "holiday". My holidays are not really holidays where you can stay home and slack or even not think of any work. This kind of holiday is the time you should catch up on your previous work when we were not listening in class, start on assignments and this time I have to go back to uni every single day for VU Night preparations. Before i get stuck in my holiday loophole, right after my last class ended I had plans to start off my holiday.

After my scheduled duty, met up with Mark in Sunway for the very 1st time for lunch in medan. The usual catching up and reminiscing topics came up...Then, later I went to pyramid to watch Step up 3 in 2d with Joseph, Su Yen, Doyang, Kah Kar and her fren.

Step Up 3
Ratings: 8/10

I watched it in 2d, didn't think 3d would be worth for a dance movie. All the dance battle was really really really good from the start to the end. Songs were awesome, dance moves were superb and the cast was prefect. Everything fits nice and well. For me, I felt it was the best Step up compared to the past. Its gets better every time.

Videos below are some clips from the movie. its really that amazing n especially the final dance. WOW! its a must watch for dance fanatic ppl. I don't know how good will the 3d be. do tell me if 3d is equally good as what i saw in 2d.

Bread Factory Visit

Friday, August 20, 2010 0 comments

14 Aug 2010, Saturday
Leo Club of Southern Cross did a visitation to High 5 bread factory in Shah Alam. We brought along orphanage kids from the Kepong Orphanage home. Picked them up and took a long drive to the factory. Just when we arrived the place, there was a bunch of kindergarten children coming out from the building. There were many school buses around cause many school kids were having their field trip that day also. So anyways, out of the bunch of children that just finished their visit there, something really coincidental and unexpected meeting happened. I spotted my cousin, her husband and their daughter, Ashley who was having her kindergarten trip there. Both of us were like damn surprise to see each other in a really unexpected place at that time. Like yeah how often do u meet your relative at the same place and same time unplanned.

So about High 5 Bread Town. I paid RM15 for entrance fee and so begins the tour. Started off with some videos about the bread history then they brought us into a "museum" with those moving mannequins showing the ancient ways of making bread and other utensils they used. Then we got to a walk-way where we can observe the bread making factory from high above (pics below). That's basically the whole trip there and at the end of everything u get a goodies bag filled with their products of course.

Process of bread manufacturing:

End of the day: